It should be obvious the culture is reaching a negative tipping point when university students take pride in flaunting how many or which medications they’re on. That “anxiety” in 20-30 year old professionals is a treatable mental disorder that must be catered to only reflects how far from the values of personal responsibility and accountability the US has drifted.
A great historic example of "care" over management is the precipitous decline in tuberculosis cases in the U.S. and the U.K. in the decades before antibiotics. The treatment was highly developed and took a long time. Granted, many perished, but the contagion was tamed for the most part. We once treated acute mental problems (nervous breakdowns) similarly. People often emerged stronger and armored against another attack. My aunts, mother and cousins received nothing but pills for their woes and decades later they are still on them.
The same can be said for most metabolic conditions that are purely the result of mental behavioral choices.
Drugs enable these choices, ensuring they will one day be fatal.
It should be obvious the culture is reaching a negative tipping point when university students take pride in flaunting how many or which medications they’re on. That “anxiety” in 20-30 year old professionals is a treatable mental disorder that must be catered to only reflects how far from the values of personal responsibility and accountability the US has drifted.
A great historic example of "care" over management is the precipitous decline in tuberculosis cases in the U.S. and the U.K. in the decades before antibiotics. The treatment was highly developed and took a long time. Granted, many perished, but the contagion was tamed for the most part. We once treated acute mental problems (nervous breakdowns) similarly. People often emerged stronger and armored against another attack. My aunts, mother and cousins received nothing but pills for their woes and decades later they are still on them.